Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wolfmother Makes Breakfast

Stop playing Guitar Hero.  The newest Wolfmother disc straight up kicks down doors.  They are a band you could easily shrug your shoulders and say "It is what it is."  Fucking right, that's the beauty of it.  Sure, they sound like good Sabbath, good Zeppelin, and a Quija board dinner party mixed together and thrown onstage, but how is that not enjoyable?  And even that is selling this album short.  The band reaches peaks on all fronts: songwriting and emotion ("Caroline") are clearly evolving into something original, if not equal to its parts. Cosmic Egg is relentless, punch you in the gut rock n roll with no pretense.  The album erupts where it needs to, but its the control and commitment to their simplicity that ultimately strings the listener along.  The fun is endless. Check out "Sundial" for a cosmic bitchslap... or do yourself a favor and get the whole Egg.  The result is overwhelming.

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